FACT #3: Onboarding new talent in 2021 just got a whole lot harder.
In May of 2020, Harvard Business Review felt it important enough to feature this important issue in that month’s issue, https://hbr.org/2020/05/onboarding-a-new-leader-remotely.
Not far behind, Forbes picked up the thread in August, https://www.forbes.com/sites/tracybrower/2020/07/12/onboarding-during-the-pandemic-how-to-give-new-employees-a-running-start/
Resolution #3: Deploy a digital onboarding monitoring progress tool like the Executive Integration Assessment to gather monthly input from key stakeholders around the executive new-hire. The goal? To facilitate discussion and direct any course corrections to improve speed and success of executive transplant. For more, go to https://talentsequencing.com/talent-sequencing-toolbox/executive-integration-assessment/