The Problem We Discovered:
Fundamentally, “the soft stuff is the hard stuff” as the expression goes. What does that mean in executive search parlance? “Finding” candidates is easy, assessing them is hard. How do you most efficiently, accurately and effectively get into what we’ve termed the “invisible spectrum” of a candidate’s profile… what is NOT easily visible on resume, or in traditional interviews?
The Answer We Developed: Team Fit Analysis
The best-in-class validated psychometric set of tools to a trained PhD clinical psychologist, to create metaphorical “night vision” goggles and better assessment of “the unobvious.”
- When considering promotion of internal “step-up” candidate into new role
- When considering referred candidate through company network for new hire position with no search firm involved
Key Deliverables & Benefits:
- Gives company & hiring authority insights into candidate behavioral profile, and areas to probe in further interviewing as well as reference checking around how candidates will perform under stress in position for which they’re being considered
- Gives company a comparative psychometric perspective of several candidates being considered for a given position and their respective “risk areas”
- Gives consistency in hiring process across and down through the org chart to generate a common corporate vocabulary around behavior profiles
- Can be used for internal incumbent executives as a coaching and team behavioral dynamics discovery, education and training tool (facilitation recommended)
- This tool—combined with the debrief with the subject by telephone with clinically trained PhD psychologist—brings critical value in 2 ways
- Determines whether a subject’s “default settings” have been reconfigured over time (does a subject manifest these default personalities or have they de-activated them for some reason)
- Determines whether a subject has attempted to manipulate the results or “game the assessment”
Description, Details & FAQ:
- There are more than 100 “personality” tools that have been created across the last 50+ years, from Myers Briggs/MBTI, to the DISC, Predictive Index and more. This tool is one of the few that is based on the 5 Factors research that is the gold standard for personality assessment (http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199828340/obo-9780199828340-0120.xml)
- The instrument assesses the following key areas:
- Default personality profile in both—
- Normal setting/circumstances
- And under stress
- An individual’s Motivators & Drivers
- Their Values
- Default personality profile in both—
- Length of time to complete assessment? Typically between 30-45 minutes.
- Length of time required for executive debrief with candidate by BSG’s PhD clinical psychologist? ~30 minutes
- To assess psychometric profiles of executive team as individuals as well as a working unit, gap analysis and risk factors
Key Deliverables & Benefits:
- Comprehensive report detailing psychometric profile (both risks and reality) of executive team members in potential investment (LOI, diligence, etc.)
Description, Details & FAQ:
- The executive team assessment is designed to assess how well a leadership team functions vis-à-vis interpersonal chemistry (psychometrics), position-specific executive “potential” scores, general communication patterns (amount and mode), and broad, team-based 360 ratings to assess and compare perspectives regarding team strengths and challenges. The process utilizes a combination of standardized assessment instruments and personal interviews for teams of up to 10 members. Team assessment reports include summaries across all informational categories, along with key takeaways and general recommendations.
- To create a customized profile of “what successful employees look like in this functional area” so as to both upskill, topgrade, and new hire into a validated “success profile”
Key Deliverables & Benefits:
- Often used for sales or other functional specialty to determine a company’s “success fingerprint,” and emulate that fingerprint in follow-on hiring activity
Description, Details & FAQ:
- Overall position-based (e.g., Sales, Operations, Executive, etc.) “Potential” scores and associated individual competency scores are generated based on a candidate’s existing psychometric profile using well validated statistical modeling to predict performance. In addition to existing research-based models, custom models can also be created and used to predict potential performance “fit” with unique blends of 6-10 client-selected competencies.
- To support the effective onboarding and integration of newly hired executives and stakeholder teams, and to address unexpected challenges that may arise.
Key Deliverables & Benefits:
- Used to prepare newly hired executives and their management teams for the critical process of onboarding and integrating into new roles and cultures to increase success across key metrics (e.g., assuming operational leadership, taking charge of the team, aligning with stakeholders, integrating with the culture, and demonstrating strategic intent) within the critical first 90 days and beyond.
Description, details & FAQ:
- Professional coaching support designed to address transition dynamics and/or general leadership and team development needs. Talent Sequencing’s vetted cadre of leadership and team development coaches are available to assist with a variety of needs. At least two candidates per role are provided for client vetting and selection.